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The Academic Forum to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Yang Tingbao's return to his hometown and the construction of Nanyang Provincial sub-central City was successfully held in Nanyang Institute of Technology

Release time: 2023-02-03

6月18日,It is sponsored by Henan Civil Architecture Society and Nanyang Municipal People's Government,Hosted by Nanyang Institute of Technology,The Academic Forum to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Yang Tingbao's return to his hometown and the construction of Nanyang Provincial Sub-central City, co-organized by the School of Architecture of Southeast University, One Station Engineering Service Group and Zhongjian Minda International Engineering Design Co., Ltd. was successfully held in Nanyang Institute of Technology。


Yang Shie, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, professor of Harbin Engineering University, Mr. Yang Tingbao's eldest son,Academician Wu Zhiqiang, Vice President and Professor of School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University,Wang Zhaodong, chairman of Henan Civil Architecture Society,Zhang Da, deputy director of the Department of Housing and Construction of Henan Province and an inspector,Professor Zhang Tong, Dean of the School of Architecture of Southeast University, and more than ten experts and scholars in the industry attended the meeting through on-site or online means。Nanyang Institute of Technology Party Secretary Liu Rongying, President An Shiwei, vice presidents Zhang Shihai, Zhang Aihong attended the opening ceremony, which was presided over by An Shiwei。


Liu Rongying pointed out that the forum gathered well-known domestic experts, scholars and industry leaders, aiming to inherit Mr. Yang Tingbao's academic ideas and educational concepts, and promote the development of provincial deputy central city construction in Nanyang City, and help the construction and education of the Central Plains region to develop vigorously。She says,It is hoped that the participants will contribute to the professional development and construction of the school,I also hope that the School of Architecture can seize the learning opportunity,Earnestly apply the good ideas, good ideas and good measures of experts to work practice,Further cultivate, condense and create professional characteristics and advantages,We will continue to improve the quality of personnel training,To make new contributions to regional economic development。


Wang Zhaodong said in his speech,On the one hand, this forum is to inherit Yang's patriotic feelings, educational thoughts and academic thoughts,At the same time, it also provides a platform for sharing and discussing the latest achievements in architectural professional education and architect design practice,It will play an active role in guiding and promoting the urban construction, engineering construction and architecture education in our province。


Yang Shii scene memories of his father's life bit by bit。He said that his father's architectural works throughout his life are all over the north and south of the motherland. He is modest and prudent and lives a very simple life. He draws from the beneficial elements of western modern architecture and actively explores the road of Chinese architecture after returning to China in combination with national conditions。In order to show his support for education in his hometown, Yang Shie donated 1 million RMB to our school as the Yang Tingbao Construction Scholarship Fund, hoping to help poor students in rural and mountainous areas of his hometown complete their studies and make greater contributions to his country and hometown。


Professor Zhang Tong pointed out in his speech,I hope that this forum can promote everyone to learn from Mr. Yang Tingbao's academic thought,Inherit Mr. Academic spirit,Carry forward fine traditional culture,Establish a scientific concept of sustainable development,Seize important historical opportunities,Promote Nanyang City in the new urbanization transformation and development to find a successful road。


Subsequently, the unveiling ceremony of the statue of Yang Tingbao was held in the hall of the first floor of the library of Nanyang Institute of Technology, and Yang Shie, Wang Zhaodong, Zhang Da, Zhang Tong, Yang Benzhao and Liu Rongying jointly unveiled the statue。

In the invited presentation session, Academician Wu Zhiqiang and Professor Zhang Tong gave special presentations on "Starting from Nanjing Bandstand" and "Yang Tingbao - a century giant of Modern Chinese Architecture", respectively, to review Mr. Yang Tingbao's creative process and show his outstanding contributions。


After the opening ceremony, the academic forum was divided into two sub-forums: architectural design practice and architectural education。Professor Zhang Lingling, President of Tianzuo Institute of Building Science,Prof. Zhai Hui, Kunming University of Science and Technology,Professor Zhang Yukun and Professor Kong Yuhang, Tianjin University,Professor Li Xiaofeng, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Experts such as Professor Lu Jiansong from Hunan University and Professor Zhang Jiantao from Zhengzhou University delivered keynote speeches online and offline,Carry out an online dialogue on the characteristic development ideas of architecture education in local undergraduate universities。

Mr. Yang Tingbao is a Chinese architectural giant in the 20th century and a master of Chinese architectural education。In 1982, Mr. Yang Tingbao returned to his hometown Nanyang to guide urban planning and construction work, and in May 2022, coincuding with the 40th anniversary of Mr. Yang Tingbao's return to his hometown, Nanyang became one of the sub-central cities in Henan Province。This forum aims to commemorate Mr. Yang Tingbao's outstanding contributions to China's architecture and higher education, inherit his academic thoughts and educational concepts, stimulate the vitality of design innovation, and contribute to the development of the provincial sub-central city of Nanyang City, and help the vigorous development of architecture and education in the Central Plains region。


About Henan Civil Architecture Society

Henan Civil Architecture Society is a provincial, public welfare, professional and non-profit scientific and technological academic social organization voluntarily established by scientific and technological workers in the field of civil construction and relevant units in Henan province, approved by the provincial Civil Affairs Department and registered,Have independent legal personality;The competent unit shall be Science and Technology Association of Henan Province,Accept the supervision and administration of the provincial Civil Affairs Department,In business, we accept the guidance of China Civil Engineering Society, China Architectural Society and Henan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。

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